Fernando Torres Cultural Director, Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano As time goes by, it is easy to realize that to reach the year 2000 has not meant anything in terms of integration. Thousands of years have passed during which man keeps … Continue reading
OCUPANTE Interview with / mit Grimanesa Amorós TG: Tell me about the genesis of OCUPANTE. I believe it was a project were working on already. Its conception for this location – in Germany – seems like such important timing. What … Continue reading
INTRODUCTION STEFANI MISCETTI This book tells the story of SHE DEVIL, the video exhibition created by STUDIO STEFANIA MISCETTI. She Devil is the name of a heroine in the Marvel Comics universe, Shanna the She Devil, and title of the … Continue reading
a-part festival international Témoignage de festivalière Le Festival a-part est avant tout une expérience de partage. Un espace-temps différent, où l’unique est accessible à qui veut le voir. Il m’a fallu batailler pour y avoir accès ; une journée entière … Continue reading
13th Havana Biennale Escenario líquido El soporte utilizado por Detrás del Muro es el espacio público. En consecuencia, existe en interacción y diálogo con este tipo de espacios en el contexto urbano. En la base de diseño se encuentra la … Continue reading
GRIMANESA AMOROS PERU/U.S.A We are always in continuous change; The only thing that never changes is change itself. I’m living and creating in this process of change called: ART.
ART OMI INTERNATION ARTISTS RESIDENCY Art Omi was very important for me… it was the place where I had the opportunity and time to develop my ideas and made my first sculptures, something I always wanted to do for such … Continue reading
Grimanesa Amorós Born 1962 Between Heaven and Earth, 2004-06 Single channel video Edited by Grimanesa Amorós and Cooper Miller Original Score “Nacimiento de Voces” by Susana Baca Musical production by Ricardo Pereira Musicians: David Pinto, Hugo Bravo, Juan Medrano, Nilo … Continue reading
FRENTE FEROZ FRENTE FEROZ (ferocious front) is a site-specific public art project commissioned by real estate developer Eugene Giscombe for the Lee Building at 125th Street and Park Avenue, New York City. This installation was inspired by Mr. Giscombe’s passionate … Continue reading
1 – WHAT A PIECE OF WORK Grimanesa Amoros (Peru) The word man has many different meanings. It can mean a single male human being, or it can refer to the human species as a whole. The power of one … Continue reading